Emergency Roof Repair Euless Texas 76039
Emergency Roof Repair Euless TX 76039
Euless Texas Emergency Roof Repair 76039
Euless TX Emergency Roof Repair 76039
1. What qualifies as an emergency roofing repair?
Once a roofing system is compromised, it will allow water infiltration. A quick roof repair or protective cover must be installed to remediate further interior and structural damage. In most instances, we will emergency tarp the hole in the roof or damaged area until the weather system passes, and we can assess damage and propose a more permanent roof repair.
2. What type of situations require a roof leak repair?
In most instances, the roofing system was compromised due to a weather event, animal or fire. Mother Nature is an incredibly strong opponent for roofing systems. Winds that exceed 50 mph have the force to tear shingles from the roof and expose the substrate. Trees limbs will be torn off trees and tossed about like toothpicks, penetrating the structure. Lightning can strike and literally blow a hole through the roof. Raccoons and squirrels love to chew through rotted wood and create sizable holes in the roof. Fire, of course, will decimate anything in its path.
3. What happens when roofers get a call for emergency repairs?
If it’s in the middle of a storm, we will wait until the storm subsides and then mobilize in a quick fashion. Safety for my workers is priority one. There's often nothing we can reasonably do when there's high wind, heavy rain and lightning during a storm.
If the roof damage is caused by a fire, we would mobilize and attempt to bring the structure back to a water-tight condition. Oftentimes, fires compromise the structural integrity of a roofing system and that makes it dangerous to access all areas of the roof. Again, safety of my crew and the homeowners is top priority.
4. What should a homeowner about the roof damage?
First and foremost: Don’t panic. The damage to the roof is already done. Contact your insurance provider and a professional roofing contractor to help. Be wary of storm chasers who follow such weather events and capitalize on homeowners' fears. Take your time to consider your repair or replacement options once a contractor has secured the roof and protected your home from further damage.
Emergency Roof Repair Euless Texas 76039
Emergency Roof Repair Euless TX 76039
Euless Texas Emergency Roof Repair 76039
Euless TX Emergency Roof Repair 76039