Expected Results:
-Everything In My "Solunaris | Ultimate Eclipse, Solar, And Lunar Manipulation Subliminal" link here:
-Everything In My "Ultimate Supreme Transcendent Meta Luck Subliminal" link here:
-Everything In My "Ultimate Geokinesis + Chlorokinesis / Earth + Plant Manipulation Subliminal" link here:
-Everything In My "Absolute Supreme True Ultimate Transcendent Beauty Subliminal" link here:
-Mimic the abilities of or transform into lagomorphs, including hares, rabbits and pikas.
-Tunnel through the earth with ease.
-Visually blend into surroundings by blending in with the coloration and form of your background to avoid optical perception, and you can affect your attire by means of "static camouflage".
-Possess limitless agility, with your balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes and strength and endurance transcending virtually all other beings in the universe as well as all other normal members of your species can ever hope to attain.
-Possess limitless dexterity, allowing you to do amazing feats of finesse, coordination and precision.
-Precisely control your prehensile body parts, effectively manipulating any object, with grace, ease, strength, speed, precision and skill.
-Hear everything that goes on in the world, or the entire galaxy, or even the entire universe, and you can do more than just hear everything that goes on, you can even hear the thoughts of anyone and everyone as well as being able to bypass time itself and hear the past and future.
-Leap unlimited distance, jump between or over planets, travel intergalactic or greater distances and perform other amazing feats.
-Have a sense of smell that is glaringly, obviously and supernaturally more acute than the rest of your race because your capabilities are pushed to a superhuman level, allowing you to smell anything over any distance, including space, as well as being able to smell individual molecules or atoms.
-Move at speeds that not even the most attuned of beings can grasp and outrun or avoid anything an opponent can use against you, and you can move at infinite velocities, allowing you to surpass and perceive light speed movements and move at speeds that allow you to move past time and space itself.
-Possess instincts that allow you to become a master of evasion, and you can discern numerous factors of a situation, including how much of a threat a foe poses, what move they will make, where they are going, and if these things relate to bringing harm to you, as well as how to hide without giving away your presence, and how to preserve energy when running
-Possess incredibly extensive knowledge and skill in many types and ways of stealth tactics, enabling you to easily slip in and out of areas undetected, and your abilities in all manners of stealth are so refined you appear as mere illusions to those who have been lucky enough to spot you, and you can move throughout even the most guarded of areas and act in true discretion.
-Sense nearing danger, acute danger, potential immediate danger, or impending danger and sense unwanted or hectic threats to your well-being and evade it, and the intuition usually regards yourself, but also includes your surroundings (like a distant car-wreck).
-Have excellent night vision, the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness, and this night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range.
-Survive and adapt to any environment and/or condition, being able to tolerate wide range of temperatures and levels of moisture, any amount or quality of sustenance, breathable medium, and more with little or no discomfort.
-Create magical Easter eggs that can have any effect I desire when opened, whether it be creating anything I desire, blessing the opener with gifts or abilities, or that can simply turn into any type of candy I desire, and teleport them to any location possible.
-Create potions: substances with magical properties such as enhancing physical and mental abilities, healing, granting powers, chancing shape, or bewitching someone depending on the kind of potion that is made.
-Create, shape and manipulate candy, including candy bars, chocolates, licorice, sour candies, salty candies, tart candies, hard candies, taffies, gumdrops, marshmallows, and more.
-Increase fertility, the natural capability of growth and reproduction, and in animals this increases both the number and health of future or developing offspring and the parents, and in plants it increases the fertility in soil causing healthy botanical growth.
-Tap and induce the spring and the powers or forces it represents: the growth, renewal and new life (both plant and animal) being born.
more info here: