
Exploring Peace and Justice in the Bible - Safwat Marzouk, PhD, and Drew Strait, PhD

Exploring Peace and Justice in the Bible - Safwat Marzouk, PhD, and Drew Strait, PhD In this class we will study six pertinent biblical passages (three OT and three NT) and reflect individually and collectively on what these texts contribute to a robust and biblically based practice of peace and justice today.

These texts will also help us focus on several key issues such as the relationship between peace and justice, how God acts for peace and justice, and the question of how should we act--nonviolence, nonresistance, active resistance or something else? Active student participation in the text studies and active reading of the short commentary provided will contribute to lively discussions of these vital issues.

Safwat Marzouk, PhD, is Associate Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and Drew Strait, PhD, is Assistant Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at AMBS.

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Anabaptist,Mennonite,Peace and Justice,Shalom,Bible,short course,seminary,online seminary,Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary,

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