
How To Select Perfect Target Audience For Ads & Biggest Mistake To Avoid On Facebook

How To Select Perfect Target Audience For Ads & Biggest Mistake To Avoid On Facebook In this video I'm going to show you how to go about creating an audience for your ads.

So you might be creating an ad on Facebook on Instagram or Google whatever the online platform be I'm going to tell you how to create a good target audience for yourself. Let's get started. now the first mistake that I have seen a lot of companies make these are typically small business owners and they run on a tight budget. The budget could be something like say $500 and let's say you have a business in New York and you're trying to reach people all across USA because you serve the country with your business, the mistake I've seen people make is while selecting the target audience they go way too broad like one of my clients actually selected the entire country USA to run an ad for a budget of $500. now these are literally like millions of people you're trying to reach with a very tiny budget of $500.

Now let's stop here and first understand the power of Facebook, Google, Instagram when it comes to advertising. Let's say you were running a bridal shop and you're selling bridal wear for women. now you could go the route of you know creating an ad for the entire country to see but then how's that difference from actually advertising on a newspaper you put up an ad on the newspaper and the next thing everyone gets up and they get the paper to their home and they see you ad. There is nothing great about it. now the magic of Facebook is that you can actually select to show your ads to a certain age group to only females in the country maybe just the particular state or a city in the country and you also get to select the relationship status which is let's say engage now this is the perfect target audience for you isn't it? Now that is the power of Facebook what is the point of reaching a million people with $500 budget where the conversion rate is going to suck really really suck you would rather reach just say 10,000 people with your $500 budget and make sure that the likely conversion is very very high so this is what I wanted to talk about. Like try and minimize your audience to as specific people as possible because that is really the power of Facebook Instagram or Google Ads. so the next time you're creating an ad set on any of these platforms make sure while selecting your audience you go very very in depth into the demography the interests the behavior of your audience so that you get the maximum ROI for your budget.

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