
Notorious teetotaler Trump grimaces as he lifts a glass of 'champagne' to his lips.

Notorious teetotaler Trump grimaces as he lifts a glass of 'champagne' to his lips. Notorious teetotaler Trump grimaces as he lifts a glass of 'champagne' to his lips (but doesn't drink, of course!) to toast his Tokyo trip at a six-course Imperial Palace banquet

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania are enjoying a six-course meal at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, where they are the first foreign guests of the Japanese emperor and empress.

It is their second visit to Japan since they entered the White House. Their first visit to Tokyo came two years ago under the new emperor's father.

President Trump toasted Emperor Naruhito and welcomed a new era of Japanese history and culture, known as the Reiwa period, in a dinner speech.

The teetotal president was poured a glass of what looked like Champagne and he politely lifted the glass to his lips, but grimaced and did not take a sip. At other state banquets, servers have filled his glass with Diet Coke as a substitute for red wine, and he is often known to drink grape juice instead of white wine and Champagne.

'We are profoundly honored to return to Japan as your nation's first state guests following the enthronement of his majesty the emperor,' the U.S. president said. 'We thank the people of Japan for their incredible hospitality and warm welcome in this majestic land.'

Trump called the relationship between the United States and Japan a 'treasured alliance' and quoted Japanese poet Manyoshu in his speech.

'It also reminds us that in times of change, we can take comfort in our inherited traditions. In the fifth book of the Manyoshu where the term Reiwa originates, the writings of two poets offer important insights,' he said.

Trump read from another Japanese poem, which he said 'reminds us of our solemn responsibilities to family and future generation' and supplements the wisdom of the first reading.

'Today we embrace the limitless potential before us. We also remember that our lives [are] a rich inheritance, that we must pass onto our children just as the sons and daughters of Japan,' he said. 'In the spirit of beautiful harmony may we celebrate the many possibilities with [Japan] and may we protect the cherished bond.'

The U.S. president offered his best wishes to the imperial family and Japan 'for a peaceful and prosperous' era in the country's history.

Emperor Naruhito delivered a toast before Trump in Japanese. A translation of his remarks was not provided.

The couples and U.S. and Japanese officials are enjoying a six-course meal of consommé a la royale and turbot a la meunière sauce tomate, followed by cote de boeuf rotie, salade de saison, glace mont fuji and a sixth course of melon and grapes.

Melania Trump wore a light pink and silver-feathered caped dress to the black-tie dinner that the men wore black tuxedos to. The empress wore a cream dress and lace jacket ensemble.

The Trumps made history on Monday at Japan's Imperial Palace, where they were the first foreign guests of the new emperor and empress of Japan.

The president and first lady began the formal visit with handshakes and an intimate greeting at the palace's front entrance.

Audio was strictly forbidden of the encounter, but the president appeared to to thank Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako for their incredible hospitality.

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