
Palestinians Take Advantage Of Heatwave To Set Southern Israel Ablaze/Many Countries Helping Israel

Palestinians Take Advantage Of Heatwave To Set Southern Israel Ablaze/Many Countries Helping Israel FIREFIGHTERS FROM GREECE, CYPRUS, CROATIA AND ITALY TO ARRIVE IN ISRAEL ON FRIDAY

Following a request from the Foreign Ministry, firefighting aircrafts and crews from Cyprus, Greece, Croatia and Italy are expected to arrive in Israel from noon to help extinguish fires in the Center of the country, which have been raging since yesterday, Arutz Sheva reported.
Ground teams from Cyprus have already arrived in Israel.
This comes as the country is experiencing a severe heatwave, which has led to a number of massive brush fires near Jerusalem and Modi'in. Mevo Modi'in was destroyed during a fire that ravaged the area on Thursday.
Dozens of communities in the Center were also severely damaged in the blazes."


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia and "my friend, Egyptian President [Abdel Fattah] el-Sisi" for sending planes, helicopters and aid to Israel to help fight the wildfires that have ravaged the country since Thursday.
The prime minister said that Egypt had sent two helicopters.
Netanyahu made the comments while with Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan at the Emergency and Rescue Forces headquarters in Tel Hadid on Friday. The two received updates on the state of the fires and discussed how to prepare and prevent further ones.
EU Ambassador to Israel Emanuele Giaufret said on Friday that Israel requested and will receive the assistance of four European planes to help put out the fires. The firefighting airplanes are coming from Cyprus and Italy and will assist with wildfires that were sparked due to a heatwave throughout the country, he said. They were expected to arrive Friday afternoon..."

1 Timothy 5:18
For the scripture saith, thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.

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End days,end times,last days,Rapture,prophecy,Palestinians balloons fire south Israel,Egypt,Greece,Cyprus,Croatia Italy helping Israel fight fires,Israel heatwave,Netanyahu,

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