
skinny legend.mp3 // intense weight loss

skinny legend.mp3 // intense weight loss ciao bello! are you ready to be a skinny legend? keep listenig...

THIS IS EXTREMELY POWERFUL! USE WITH CAUTION. Once you hit your ideal weight, STOP USING THIS SUBLIMINAL. There's no need to go any lower than that. Also this focuses on fat loss and weight loss only. You will not gain muscle or toning from this. If you want to be toned, use my swarvoski wings subliminal. This will not give your ideal body. It's simply weight loss.

_have the utmost thin, slim, slender, and skinny body to ever possibly exist in all of history, humanity and the universe
_body is extremely, intensely, supernaturally, tremendously, dramatically, visibly, clearly and obviously thin, slim, slender and skinny
_have the utmost thin, slim, slender, and skinny legs, thighs and calves to ever possibly exist in all of history, humanity and the universe
_legs, thighs and calves are extremely, intensely, supernaturally, tremendously, dramatically, visibly, clearly and obviously thin, slim, slender and skinny
_have the utmost thin, slim, slender, and skinny arms, forearms, shoulders, biceps, and triceps to ever possibly exist in all of history, humanity and the universe
_arms, forearms, shoulders, biceps and triceps are extremely, intensely, supernaturally, tremendously, dramatically, visibly, clearly and obviously thin, slim, slender and skinny
_have the utmost thin, slim, slender, tiny, microscopic and smallest waist to ever possibly exist in all of history, humanity and the universe
_waist is extremely, intensely, supernaturally, tremendously, dramatically, visibly, clearly and obviously thin, slim, slender, tiny, microscopic and small
_have the utmost toned, flat, slim, slender, and beautiful stomach to ever possibly exist in all of history, humanity and the universe
_stomach is extremely, intensely, supernaturally, tremendously, dramatically, visibly, clearly and obviously toned, flat, slim, slender, and beautiful
_body weighs exactly and precisely 0 pounds
_body is exactly and precisely a size 00 and extra small
_body burns the utmost largest and biggest amount of calories and fat to ever possibly exist in all of history, humanity and the universe in this exact second
_have the utmost intense, extreme, supernatural, dramatic, visible, obvious and clear weight loss to ever possibly exist in all of history, humanity and the universe in this exact second
_have the utmost intense, extreme, supernatural, dramatic, visible, obvious and clear weight loss to ever possibly exist in all of history, humanity and the universe in your ideal places in this exact second
_have the utmost intense, extreme, supernatural, dramatic, visible, obvious and clear liposuction to ever possibly exist in all of history, humanity and the universe in this exact second
_have the utmost intense, extreme, supernatural, dramatic, visible, obvious and clear liposuction to ever possibly exist in all of history humanity and the universe in your ideal places in this exact second
_force self to have the utmost intense, extreme, supernatural, dramatic, visible, obvious and clear weight loss to ever possibly exist in all of history, humanity and the universe in this exact second
_have the utmost extreme, intense,and supernatural metabolism to ever possibly exist in all of the universe, history and humanity
_have the utmost quick, speedy and fast metabolism to ever possibly exist in all of history, humanity and the universe
_metabolism absolutely becomes 999 googolplexian times more powerful, quicker and faster every yoctosecond
_metabolism completely and utterly burns, removes,and destroys any and all excess fat and calories in this exact second
_metabolism completely and utterly burns, removes,and destroys any and all excess fat on your body
_any and all excess fat to ever possibly exist on your body is completely and utterly removed in this exact second
_body burns 999 googolplexian pounds of fat and calories in this exact second
_body burns 999 googolplexian pounds of leg, thigh, and calf fat in this exact second
_body burns 999 googolplexian pounds of arm, back, tricep, bicep, and shoulder fat in this in this exact second
_body burns 999 googolplexian pounds of stomach waist and abdomen fat in this exact second
_body burns 999 googolplexian pounds of chin, jaw, and facial fat in this exact second
_be permanently forced to burn any and all excess fat and calories in this exact second


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