
Sound of Gold Files: Presently.052415 Full

Sound of Gold Files: Presently.052415 Full These are the Sound of Gold messages – contact from beyond our programmed reality. You can become a patron or team member on these projects via Your support for this, as well as future visions, is greatly appreciated, but I will offer it anyway, for as long as it is possible.

I remain unattached to how you receive what I offer here. Much of it seems to be directed to experiencers. If it is resonant and helpful to you, I am content. If it is not, I am content. But regardless of what I am doing, please do have the courage now to find your own original Self within, and share the gifts that you are, in your way. It is truly time. Thank you, Eileen.

Quote from message:
“…All secrets are coming to the surface now – those experiences, those thoughts, those feelings that you had that didn't fit within the parameters of what was expected of you. Fear of judgement kept you hiding a great deal. Some of you will find in your Awakening, that you did in fact have contact from beyond the prison walls, and because your current mindset did not allow for verbalizing it, sharing it, or even articulating it; it was stuffed… stuffed down… along with the pain. So you have stuffed not only the pain in the oppression of living within these limitations, you have also stuffed the light. So in sharing and speaking honest feelings, you allow all of it to come to the surface… all of the missing pieces. And it happens rapidly, you will find, when you open this doorway to allow the truth to be exposed… that is carried within your very cellular structure. "

Eileen's website:
Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes:

.. or,
Music on CDBaby:

Eileen's book on Amazon - Koyopa Contact Within: The Plumed Serpent Rises

Full-length messages are posted for members on Patreon first. At a later point, some are made public here. Please visit:


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