We had the triplets 6 month checkup at the doctors and couldn't believe how far they have come! They are growing so quickly, and it seemed like yesterday that we released the Triplet Birth Vlog, and they were just little preemies in the NICU. For being 5 weeks early, triplets are usually behind on development, and especially size and weight. However, these little peas are growing so quickly and all are above average on their growth charts. Reese is the smallest but still with her 5 week adjusted age, she is in the 75 percentile for her height and weight. Royal and Wren are both in the 95 percentile!! They are among the largest and biggest, and healthiest babies that would of made it to their expected due date. We couldn't be more proud of them and how far they have come. Looking back on their NICU pictures, so seeing where they are now makes us so happy and proud. Thanks for making us your parents Reese, Royal and Wren!
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Owlet Baby Sensor:
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FAMILY: @thechatwins
CARA: @carachatwin
DARIK: @darikchatwin
GEMMA: @gemma_chatwin
TRIPLETS: @chatwintriplets
2019 is the year of the CHATFAM!
Cara, Darik, Gemma, Reese, Royal, Wren & Pia.
#triplets #CHATFAM