A multi member LLC requires more tax work (IRS Form 1065 and respective Schedules K-1) than a single member LLC (IRS Schedule C). ... That is, with an LLC, all of the profit is subject to self employment taxes. A multi member LLC will provide you with better asset protection than a single member LLC. a Single-Member LLC is the only type of LLC that can be a Disregarded Entity. Furthermore, a Single-Member LLC is automatically considered a Disregarded Entity unless it makes a special election with the IRS to be taxed as a Corporation.Disregarded by IRS. The IRS classifies a single-member LLC by default as a disregarded entity and treats the business as a sole proprietorship for income tax purposes. The IRS disregards the company as being separate from its owner. ... The owner, however, can be also be a business entity, including another LLC.Under this rule, a married couple can treat their jointly owned business as a disregarded entity for federal tax purposes if: the LLC is wholly owned by the husband and wife as community property under state law. ... the business is not otherwise treated as a corporation under federal law.
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