
Intermittent Fasting But NOT LOSING WEIGHT

Intermittent Fasting But NOT LOSING WEIGHT Are you NOT losing weight with intermittent fasting? Find out why intermittent fasting isn't working for you. There are about 5 main reasons why you're not losing fat despite fasting. It's common to make some mistakes and hit these plateaus during a weight loss journey. This video will help you break it and move forward.
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If you started intermittently fasting and you aren't seeing the results that you were expecting don't give up hope, because you're not alone. A lot of people start fasting with the perceived notion that it's going to be a piece of cake... an easy ride, with no road bumps along the way. But the truth is that there are road bumps and just by making a couple of mistakes with your fasting plan you can completely plateau, stop losing weight, and stop burning fat. So today I want to go over exactly why you may have stopped burning fat with your intermittent fasting plan and what you can do to get that fat loss started again. The first reason that I want to start with is one that catches people by surprise and causes them to hit plateaus even though they know they're eating less calories than they're burning. And that's cutting calories too low without incorporating refeed days or even refeed weeks. You see, with intermittent fasting there's a good chance that you'll be in a calorie deficit just by limiting the amount of time during the day that you can eat. If you're practicing a 16/8 intermittent fasting protocol, that means that you're only allowed to eat 8 hours of the day. When you try to cut calories further during your eating window you can wind up with a very large deficit. And while aggressive reductions in your daily calories that are around 30 percent or more subtracted from your maintenance levels, while aggressive reductions like that aren't by themselves a problem they are a problem if you don't set them up correctly. This is because of metabolic compensation. Your body will adapt to a very sharp drop in the number of calories you're taking in with a sharp drop in your metabolism. This could lead to less weight loss than what you would expect by lowering calories to a certain point. In fact some studies show that metabolic compensation can explain around 67 percent of the instances where there is less weight loss than what is expected.(1) To avoid this, if you are cutting calories in a more aggressive way you need to incorporate refeeds. You can do this by keeping your calories under 30 percent from maintenance 4 to 5 days per week, and then you would incorporate a couple days per week where you make sure to bring your calories back up to maintenance levels. These "refeed days" will help keep your metabolism elevated ultimately helping you continue to burn fat. You can also do this by keeping your calories under 30 percent from maintenance for 2 weeks, and then cycling in 2 weeks of keeping your calories at maintenance. This was proven to help slow the decline in metabolic rate while dieting. (2) Remember you would cycle between an aggressive reduction in calories and regular maintenance levels within the frame work of your intermittent fasting plan. So you would still be eating all of your calories within your 8-hour window regardless of whether you were eating at maintenance for that day or at a 30 percent deficit. While cutting calories too low too fast can lead to a backlash from your metabolism another mistake is never readjusting calories and macros for weight already lost. That's right if you've already lost weight from intermittent fasting.


(1) "Changes in metabolic rate explained on average 67% of the less-than-expected weight loss"

(2) Matador Study: 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks off is better than continuous calorie restriction

(3) "leucine acutely stimulates insulin secretion"

(4) "The effect of Acesulfame K on insulin secretion was similar to that observed by injecting or infusing the same doses of glucose"

(5) "Stevia preloads significantly lowered postprandial glucose levels" "and postprandial insulin levels compared to both aspartame and sucrose preloads"

(6) "Stevia does not affect in acute glycemic and insulin responses to OGTT in obese patients."

(7) Lower DED should be considered a prevention strategy for obesity

(8) resistance exercise training during weight loss may have a positive effect on subsequent weight maintenance by preserving muscle mass, strength fitness, and REE

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