
The incomplete god did it-but who evil took over...

The incomplete god did it-but who evil took over... When the fake god said come let us go down and confuse their language was after they were cut off from direct contact and something tells me those who ordered them gone didn’t know they would continue in arranging ‘’their humanity’’ in their form- and from their need for the salve they first saw us as- but now do not because they too have grown –who those I control of the same thing sees us only as the hunger machines our bodies are turned into once separated in the family unit
but still see us as our god and father because their scientist made us in their test tubes- and I ask you ‘’human being’’ different from the living computer maker –if this is reality and factual truth, then does that mean then that the guy/another intelligent scientist but human, who cloned the first sheep –was he the god of the sheep? You have now the opportunity to enter into your ‘’Christ consciousness’’ your intellect and the first wisdom, calculating the truth of the emotional experience right now. When the dark feminine comes in to influence fear of this/your heart felt thought or any other heart felt thought- then this is the interception and infection of the emotional self- resulting in the spiritual sickness {which is like aids to god} where the only remedy is the knowledge base of self –when self knows self, will know then the other things left in question in you- and then you will get answers to your questions when you know how to speak the language of silence and visual thought.
There are two places to go to- to get the lifesaving information Jesus brought ‘’no longer in code’’ but ‘’in direct language’’
‘’In our lifetime ‘’will he come back’’ to retrieve those who re align themselves and all others then face that education that we do not need because we see what logical truth is, and are not afraid of it. Or ‘’are afraid’’ but tell their fears ‘’to fuck off’’ inside themselves and says to it that its truth is more important than any other need.

The gospel of Philip,The gospel of Mary,The gospel of truth,The gospel of Thomas,Jesus,bible code,end time,resurrection,Mani,gnostic,Jew,Muslim,Vatican,catholic,nibiru,planet x,jesus and the keys of knowledge,jesus-secret-saying,spiritual recovery-Life skills,life skills coach,new start life skills,life skills training centers of Canada,

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