Question: Because of I'd
like to prevent apt-get upgrade and Update Manager from updating the
"libgtk2.0-0" package.
How can this be achieved?
Solutions Sample (Please watch the whole video to see all solutions, in order of how many people found them helpful):
== This solution helped 16 people ==
Preventing a package from being installed is called "package holding" and it is
very simple to do:
echo package_name hold | dpkg --set-selections
...where *package_name* is the name of the package you want to prevent from
Note: the above command assumes root privileges. In other words, you will
probably need to type sudo su before running it.
== This solution helped 19 people ==
Install synaptic using sudo apt-get install synaptic.
Run using gksudo synaptic and on the search box locate the package you want to
lock, ie: gedit
[enter image description here]
From the package menu select Lock version:
[enter image description here]
And that is all, the version currently installed at the time of the lock will
stay installed even during upgrades.
== This solution helped 1 person ==
You can use on aptitude the "specific override", like this:
aptitude reinstall ~i oracle-java8-jre:
This is a one time only use of (not stored for future reinstalls), keep
specific override, to reinstall all packages in your system but not oracle-
If you use a keep specific override, the package will momentarily be in a state
of keep an aptitude will not try to install it.
A very good thing if you think your system was compromised some how.
== This solution helped 1 person ==
If you have Synaptic installed you can select the package and use the menu
Package -> Lock Version to prevent it being updated.
You can install Synaptic with sudo apt-get install synaptic. I personally find
it more useful than the Software Center... then again, I'm fairly old school. :
== This solution helped 31 people ==
I was looking for the same thing and after a lot of research I found that using
the following syntax you can forbid one specific version but allow the next
Package: compiz-plugins-main
Pin: version 1:
Pin-Priority: -1
This goes into the /etc/apt/preferences file.
== This solution helped 3 people ==
Everything you ever wanted to know about "holding" and "pinning" packages to
specific versions:
== This solution helped 3 people ==
See bugs #158981
and #72806.
The summary is that hold at apt-get / aptitude level is not triggering hold
status in dpkg (see bug 72806 especially) and update-manager reads status from
workaround is run as root: echo "package hold" | dpkg --set-selections
== This solution helped 43 people ==
To put a package "foo" on hold:
echo "foo hold" | dpkg --set-selections
In your case we are going to put wine on hold:
sudo -i
echo "wine hold" | dpkg --set-selections
To remove the hold:
sudo -i
echo "wine install" | dpkg --set-selections
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