
Episode 621 Scott Adams: The Mental Illness Crisis Turning Democrats into FAKE NEWS ZOMBIES

Episode 621 Scott Adams: The Mental Illness Crisis Turning Democrats into FAKE NEWS ZOMBIES Democrats are implementing a trade war against America
Financially penalizing Americans for their political beliefs
Isn’t that a trade war…Joaquin Castro?
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace…“misspoke?
”What’s wrong with Nicolle Wallace?
Reza Aslan wants someone “eradicated”?
CNN FAKE NEWS Chyron: “Trump Inspired Terrorism”
Immigration debate curiosity…
NO Democrat has said HOW MUCH immigration is okay
NO Democrat has even been ASKED the question
Extra people = extra crime
How much additional CRIME is acceptable to you?
If you can’t put a number on it, you aren’t sincere
What impact will your policy have on the country…in 10 years?
Has Presidential candidate Andrew Yang told a direct lie yet?
Is he the ONLY Democrat candidate who has NOT directly lied?
Maybe 1/3 to 2/3 of all adult humans are capable in today’s world
1. Mental health issues
2. Addiction issues
3. Mentally incapable of functioning in modern society

Blog post link:
How to Determine Who is Hallucinating About Politics

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Politics,President Trump,Trade War,MSNBC FAKE NEWS,CNN FAKE NEWS,Nicolle Wallace,Reza Aslan,Immigration,Andrew Yang,Joaquin Castro,Scott Adams,FAKE NEWS Zombies,

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