
Pointy Hat Cast 010.5: Cowboys & Aliens (Wierd, Dumb, Charming)

Pointy Hat Cast 010.5: Cowboys & Aliens (Wierd, Dumb, Charming)

Hosts: Barry, Sam

Topic: Cowboys & Aliens - It's very weird, a little dumb, but completely charming. Made with love and gold. It's neither a cowboy movie, nor a sci-fi movie. It's an anime in disguise!

Isaiah escapes Japan only to get trapped partying in Korea. Will he manage to escape the land of Kpop? What do aliens do with gold anyways? Tune in next week to find out!

Bad podcast is bad, if you want to watch the badness live, catch us on twitch:

#podcast #movies #pointyhatcast #duckyobrien #cowboys #aliens

Podcast,Movies,Pointy Hat Cast,Ducky Obrien,Cowboys & Aliens,This is an anime and Olivia Wilde is spac waifu,

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