Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math/Science are Federal TRIO Programs that provide the intensive college preparatory support to potential first-generation college students and/or economically disadvantaged youth to help them successfully complete high school and enter college with the skills to succeed. Upward Bound provides supplemental education, tutoring, ACT Prep. career exploration, academic counseling, assistance with scholarship and financial aid applications, and many other services for qualified students who want to go to college.
The TRIO Upward Bound Programs are hosted by the University of Montevallo and housed in the Division of Academic Affairs and are 100% funded by grants from the US Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education. UM has hosted an Upward Bound program since 1986. Learn more about TRIO Upward Bound at montevallo.edu/trio-upward-bound. #YouBelongAtMontevallo #UMTRIO
university of montevallo,montevallo,alabama,higher education,TRIO Upward bound,federal grant,high school program,act prep,test preparation,youth development,liberal arts,