The second Unlost Cause unstrangled in the new podcast from comedy novelist, sometime historian & occasional mermaid, Joshua Humphreys.
"The aim of education is immeasurable wealth. | True wealth is found in the richness of our inner world. | To gain it, first put yourself under the tutelage of geniuses, and find what they considered excellent. | Always and only seek in your education excellence. | From your experience of it, construct and impose upon yourself an excellent ideal. | Strive always to attain that ideal. "
Do please here share things that you know excellent people considered excellent, even just one thing—Mahler and Wagner both worshipped Beethoven—and we can go on spreading excellence!
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On this millennia-long adventure into the common inheritance of noble humanity.
Where I, a comedy novelist, shall unstrangle for you the wondrous world of culture.
© Joshua Humphreys