
Atrial Fibrillation Awareness

Atrial Fibrillation Awareness September is Afib Awareness Month! ❤ Here's something fun to kick it off and make you smile. It’s a song about atrial fibrillation.

We hope you’ll share this special song, too, to help increase awareness of afib and its symptoms.

Although the song is fun and lighthearted, those of us living with afib know it’s a serious topic. People 40 and over have a one-in-four lifetime risk of developing afib, and those who do are five times more likely to have a stroke (plus, heart failure is twice as likely as a stroke).

The GOOD NEWS is that afib can be managed, and there are ways to prevent a stroke.

The first step is recognizing that you have afib and getting diagnosed. And while we’re hoping this song will make you smile, we’re also hoping it will act as a conduit for greater afib awareness — now, during Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month, and as more people hear it.

Once you’ve seen and heard this creative medley, we’d love for you to help us raise awareness of afib by sharing the link, so those with afib discover things they can do to manage it, and others with undiagnosed afib can recognize the symptoms, if they experience them.

Additionally, if you have family members who don’t quite understand what it is like to live with afib, this song may help.

The song is by Patrick Henry, a professional speaker and musician who is a friend of Stop Afib. He wrote and recorded this to raise awareness about what afib feels like, so those who have it (but haven’t been diagnosed) may recognize the symptoms and get checked out.

Help us build awareness in a unique and lighthearted way by sharing this with family and friends, and on social media. To learn more about how you can help spread this and what you can do in celebration of Afib Awareness Month, go to:


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