
Canada to become the first 'Democratic' Nation to ban hand guns while Police carry hand guns!

Canada to become the first 'Democratic' Nation to ban hand guns while Police carry hand guns! The UK, France and most of Europe have strict gun laws and all out bans on Guns, but one thing they always do to is make sure that The Police are also unarmed along with the public! Countries like China, North Korea & The Former Soviet Union ban guns while having their Police armed to the teeth! Canada may just be the First so called "Democratic" Nation to follow down that same path effectively turning Canada officially into a totalitarian state! Justin Trudeau is planning to ban handguns in Toronto as a first step to banning handguns Nationwide despite the fact that almost all of the murders with guns in Toronto that have contributed to the spike in Gun violence came from illegally obtained firearms! This means that Trudeau's ban would not have solved anything and the only people in Toronto who will have handguns are Criminals and Law Enforcement! CHOOSE YOUR CANADA PATRIOTS! DEFY THE GOVERNMENT & ARM UP!! #CdnPoli #NFA #JustinTrudeau

Trudeau mocking black folks while wearing black face:

Pierre Trudeau AKA Justin's alleged daddy wearing Nazi German Military Uniform:

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National Firearms Association,National Rifle Association,Justin Trudeau,Canada,Canadian Politics,Guns,Toronto,Handgun Ban,Government of Canada,Liberal Party of Canada,

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