
Strive for Excellence in Affiliate Entrepreneurship

Strive for Excellence in Affiliate Entrepreneurship If you're interested in becoming an affiliate entrepreneur, there is no better way to do it than The Four Percent Success Challenge. It will teach you step-by-step how to become an affiliate entrepreneur, by building a rock-solid online business, from scratch.

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Strive to Achieve Excellence in Everything!

Don’t settle for good enough. Ever. In anything that you do.

Now, this can be confusing for some, because many take this as a demand to be excellent before you do anything. But that would be like giving a kid a cello and asking them to play like Yo Yo Ma.

Yo Yo Ma had to be awful before he became great. Keith Richards had to be awful before became great. Taylor Swift had be awful before she became great.

But they were always coooooooolllll.

Right now, you may think I’m in the “awful” stage . I hope not, but some of you may think that.
I say that to make a point – two points actually.

First, I am okay with being awful, because in order to get to “okay,” then “pretty good,” then “awesome,” then “excellent,” I have to start by being awful.

I have to start somewhere.

I’ve been doing this for a couple of months now, and while I don’t have time to go back and read everything I’ve written, I feel a lot more comfortable writing for my audience. In that aspect, I’m probably “okay” at what I’m doing.

What I do know, is that if I keep writing, the internet will pay attention.

Hear me out here, entrepreneurs. If I keep writing, consistently putting out content every day for at least a year, the internet will pay attention. I have to create content. And while I’m creating content, I’m training the internet to pay attention to me.

And the internet will eventually turn around and tell others to pay attention to me. And by that time, my plan is to be excellent at this craft, so that when people start paying attention to me at the internet’s request, I’ll meet them with content that is second to none.

Trust me – I’m trying to do that now. I’m grinding every day trying to provide value to my clients. I don’t see you as my guinea pigs! My readers and viewers are real people to me and I’m trying to reach out and help you succeed while at the same time, striving toward success myself.

The second point that I want to make, is part of the first.

You have to grind it out. You have to be willing to get things done even when you don’t want to. You have to skip the beer (or at least put it off) until you’ve gotten that piece written, that YouTube video prepped and posted, that email written to your clients.

In the affiliate entrepreneurship space, people are all trying to garner attention. And if you can’t get their attention, there’s no reason to go on.

Grinding it out, at the beginning is what you have to do. There are no short-cuts. There is just you, your solid will to achieve success, and the internet – WHICH IS FREE!

ASIDE: I’ve been listening to a lot of Gary V lately. If you’ve never heard of him, check him out. He tells it like it is and he swears a lot, but you’ll learn a ton!

Back to the original point. You always want to STRIVE for EXCELLENCE. But don’t start thinking that you have to be excellent right off the bat. No one is. No one ever is.
However, if you have excellence in your mind, ALWAYS, as you go along, you will achieve excellence eventually.

You just have to grind it out, be patient, HAVE FUN, and get there.
If excellence is your goal, your brain will figure out how to achieve it.
You do you – let your brain figure out the rest. That’s what it’s there for.
Thanks for reading. I appreciate you.

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