
Top 10 Useful Macros for Classic WoW

Top 10 Useful Macros for Classic WoW Twitch, Discord & Patreon



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The Macros:

/console groundEffectDensity 256
/console groundEffectDist 200
/console detailDoodadAlpha 100
/console horizonfarclip 2112
/console farclip 999
/console characterAmbient

Enemy stats
/script u=UnitResistance y="target" a=u(y ,0) h=u(y ,1) f=u(y ,2) n=u(y ,3) fr=u(y ,4) s=u(y ,5) z=u(y ,6) SendChatMessage(UnitName(y).." has "..a.." Armor, "..h.." HR, "..f.." FR, "..n.." NR, "" FrR, "..s.." SR and "..z.." AR.", SAY)

Mouseover macro
/cast [@mouseover,harm,exists,nodead][] Gouge

Enemy / Friendly spellswap
/cast [harm] Gouge; [help] Stealth

Nameplate distance:
/run SetCVar("nameplateMaxDistance", "6e1")

Quick disenchant
/run local f=DeM or CreateFrame("Button","DeM",nil,"SecureActionButtonTemplate") f:SetAttribute("type","click") f:SetAttribute("clickbutton",GetMouseFocus())
/cast Disenchant
/click DeM

Equip macro
/equipslot 16 Hook Dagger of Power
/equipslot 17 Cruel Barb


/equip Red Defias Mask

Skull mark
/script SetRaidTarget("target",8);

/cancelaura Stealth

Keybind swap for tab target
/run if UnitInBattleground("player") then SetBinding("TAB","TARGETNEARESTENEMYPLAYER") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Targeting players.") else SetBinding("TAB","TARGETNEARESTENEMY") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Targeting enemy NPCs.")end

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