
Arduino Projects - Blinking led without using delay function | Creative Engineer

Arduino Projects - Blinking led without using delay function | Creative Engineer BLINKING LED WITHOUT USING DELAY FUNCTION:

We all have written arduino nodes where sometime or the other we may have used the Delay function.
Well the use of delay function is it stops the execution of codes for specified amountof time.

What most people don't know is that it stops the Arduino to perform any other action during that specified period.
Means if you provided a delay of 10000 milli secords, then for 10 seconds the arduino will not do anything, it will remain idle.
This is not the expectation when we build a project, to let our micro-controller do nothing. We obviously want it to continuously read the
sensors and perform task accordingly.

so here we are going to tell you how to achieve the same functionality as delay function without actually using it.
To learn, watch the complete video.

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Arduino Tricks,Arduino Projects,little know arduino tricks,arduino uno,arduino mega,shortcut tricks,arduino hacks,delay function,bilnking led without delay function,BLINKING LED WITHOUT USING DELAY FUNCTION IN ARDUINO,

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