
CREEPY HALLOWEEN Waterfall Display | How We Built It

CREEPY HALLOWEEN Waterfall Display | How We Built It In this video, John G Adams of Modern Design Aquascaping Inc. takes a newly renovated water feature display and transforms it into a CREEPY HALLOWEEN WATER FEATURE! The video is shot at Mayo Garden Center on Kingston Pike in Knoxville, Tennessee. John uses skeletons, jack-o-lanterns that he made with his family, pumpkins, grave stones, cornstalks, and a ton of annual flowers to make the display awesome! John even custom carved a jack-o-lantern , plumbed it, and rigged it with LED lights to put the icing on the cake! Follow the Mayo Garden Center Video series that is upcoming to see the feature transformed from it’s former state to the “new-and-improved version”. John will teach some tricks along the way in this new series so stay tuned!

Modern Design has been building custom water features since 2000 and has been a Certified Aquascape Contractor since 2002. They have built in 5 countries, and over a dozen states in the U.S. You may reach them in East Tennessee at:
FaceBook: Modern Design Aquascaping
Their YouTube channel is geared towards education on proper construction methods for water features and highlights many cool projects that the Modern Design Aquascaping team gets to be a part of! 
Happy Pondering ;)

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