Mom came to the sis show and invites them to go for a walk well, with one condition, they must remove all the toys. Mariam quickly starts cleaning, and Majda decided to pretend to be sick, so as not to clean ... and what came of it, as a result, you will find out after watching the video to the end... Thank you for watching our channel !!!!
Sis Show,сис шоу,канал для детей,детский канал,channel for kids,sisters,for kids,for children,для детей,сёстры,toys,sis,для девочек,for girls,kids,kids playing,игрушки для девочек,kids toys,сис,устала,спать,sleep,sleeping,clean the room,Clean up the room,was ill,pretend play,toy,kids video,Clean a room,pretended to be sick,clean the house,toys play,