
What Is Sleep Apnea

What Is Sleep Apnea Learn About Types Of Sleep Apnea; Obstructive, Pediatric, Hypopnea, Central, Complex/Mixed Sleep Apnea. Know signs, symptoms, causes, effects, treatments, cures, remedies and more.

Sleep Apnea is considered as one of the growing sleep disorders/health related issue all over the world. Even though it is likely that majority of people suffer from sleep apnea related issue atleast few times a year, it is not something to be ignored. Ignoring sleep apnea could result to major health crisis in the long run.

So, what is sleep apnea?

Briefly, sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder which causes disturbance in the breathing during sleep. People suffering from sleep apnea tend to undergo repeated stoppage of breathing during their sleep. And this can last about seconds to few minutes and can occur several times during night.

There are also different types of sleep apnea. They are -

1)Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Obstructive sleep apnea is regarded as the most common type of sleep apnea which is caused due to repeated blocking of the upper airway, which normally occurs when the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapses during sleep.

2)Pediatric Sleep Apnea - Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs in children. This can happen when the child's breathing is repeatedly blocked partially or completely during sleep.
The cause of this issue is enlargement of the adenoids and tonsillitis in children.

3)Hypopnea - Hypopnea is the type of sleep apnea and sleep disorder where there is abundantly low amount of air flow into the lungs resulting in oxygen levels in the blood to reduce. This occurs due to partial blockage of the upper airway but in this state the air flow is not fully stopped.

4)Central Sleep Apnea - Central sleep apnea is the type of sleep apnea and sleep disorder in which the brain does not transfer proper signals to the muscles which control breathing.

5)Complex or Mixed Sleep Apnea Syndrome - Complex Or Mixed Sleep Apnea Syndrome is the type of sleep apnea and sleep disorder in which people have both obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea.

Those were the types.

Symptoms of sleep apnea. Following are regarded as the symptoms of sleep apnea -

1) Loud snoring for continuous nights.
2) Feeling of choking, snorting, or gasping while sleep
3) Stopping of breathing for some time during sleep
4) Waking up at night feeling short of breath
5) Daytime sleepiness and fatigue even after getting good sleep
6) Insomnia or sudden waking up during sleep
7) Need to go to the bathroom frequently during the night
8) Morning headaches

And there are more.

If you want to learn more in details about Sleep Apnea, its signs, symptoms, causes, effects, treatments, natural cures, remedies and more, visit -

The site provides clear updated data on everything related to Sleep Apnea.

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