Authorities in Siliguri have prepared artificial ghats for devotees observing the four-day Chhath Puja. After the National Green Tribunal imposed a ban on performing rituals in the river, the artificial ghats are constructed at Gandhi Maidan under ward number eight of Siliguri Municipal Corporation (SMC). Organisers along with the support of local residents have prepared 130 Chhath Ghats in 2019. "The concept of artificial ghats which was first designed by our committee in India is being practised this year as well. We have made ghats at Gandhi Maidan to give devotees a natural river-like atmosphere," said the organiser Khusboo Mittal. The auspicious festival, which started on October 31 is celebrated with huge fervour in the states of West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi.
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Chhath Puja,Chhath Puja 2019,West Bengal,Bihar,Uttar Pradesh,Delhi,Siliguri Municipal Corporation,SMC,Artificial Ponds West Bengal,