
The Economic Collapse Of China Begins Banks Are Sinking Before Financial Crisis & Stock Market Crash

The Economic Collapse Of China Begins Banks Are Sinking Before Financial Crisis & Stock Market Crash The total deposits of China's banking system are more than twice the deposits of the American banking system. A problem in the Chinese economy is even worse than a problem in the American economy.

Terrible news continues to flow and it will affect not only Americans but the whole world. The number of sinking banks in China is increasing day by day. One needs to ignore all these terrible developments to deny the beginning of economic collapse and recession. Investors who are already worried increased their expectations of a possible stock market crash.

Undoubtfully, we will experience the worst financial crisis of our lifetime and we should get prepared for this.

Another bank in China called Harbin Bank collapsed. The major banks of China, Baoshang, Jinzhou ve Heng Feng, had previously collapsed.

Obviously, all of this reminds us of the collapse of the British Northern Rock Bank, major starting points of the 2008 financial crisis.

When the Northern Rock bank finally failed at the end of 2007, its total assets were 109 billion pounds. That's about 140 billion dollars.

Today, when we review the total assets of the sinking banks in China, it is 3.395 billion yuan (484 billion dollars). This horrible figure is 3.5 times of Northern Rock. After Northern Rock failure, the domino effect was in place in Europe and Bern Sterns sank in the early 2008. This was followed by Lehman Brothers in the late 2008 and the financial crisis began.

It is like we are living the end of 2007 all over again. Even worse, we are faced with 3.5 times more powerful hit.

Chinese economy is going through tough times, it resembles U.S. before the 1929 Great Depression. Before 1929, America was the world's largest production power. That was driven by the credit growth and the additional production capacity. Thereafter, U.S. stock market collapsed.

At present, we notice that the Chinese economy is slowing down and inflated with high loans especially after the 2008 financial crisis and has an excessive production capacity.
Jack Ma Says U.S. – China trade war could last 20 years

Today, all the world stock markets are already watching the situation between China and America, worrying about a possible the stock market crash. Jack Ma says China's trade tension could last 20 years. That means a disaster not for only the U.S. but also for the whole world economy. What do you think about this?

whatever happens, we better get ready.

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