This video goes over a very simple way that you can teach young puppies to fetch in one training session. This technique does not work for all puppies. Also as puppies get older they tend to want to drop the toy as they move toward you, so I suggest playing this game as one of the first games you play with your puppy. I also suggest first playing the attention game with your puppy to make sure your puppy will move toward you when you entice him.
Here is the video tutorial on how to train the attention game:
Here is a more detailed video on how to teach fetch if this technique does not work for your puppy. However I suggest first trying the easy technique first before trying this one:
Puppy safety, a very important video to watch if you have a new puppy:
The game plan:
Get two toys that look similar. Get the puppy interested in one toy, then throw it. Once the puppy has the toy in his mouth make an enticing noise and move backward as well if the puppy does not think to come right up to you.
When the puppy gets to you, you can then either play tug with the toy he has or start to move the second toy around. Once the puppy drops the toy in his mouth to pursue the one in your hand, throw it and repeat the game. If you choose to play tug with the toy the puppy has when he gets back to you, hold the toy still and make the other one move to get him to drop it. If this doesn’t work you can let go of the toy you are tugging with and move away from your puppy with the other toy enticing him to follow you and drop the toy he has.
If you think that the puppy might bite your hands while you move the toy around, you can use a larger longer toy so you can keep your hands away from the sharp needle puppy teeth.
Here is a video on how to teach the cue “drop it”:
If you throw the toy too far the puppy might not want to get it. If this happens make sure not to throw it too far.
Play this game for an extremely short period of time, to prevent the puppy getting disinterested and to prevent repetition of movement. So perhaps 3-5 fetched items thrown at a distance that your puppy doesn’t built up speed to fetch. Make sure to train on a non-slip surface as mentioned in the video. Fetch can be a very jolting movement, so it’s important to greatly limit this game with your puppy until he reaches adulthood. You can train fetch with your puppy a few repetitions a day for a few days to teach him the behavior so when he has your socks you can get him to bring them to you. Then you can set up the game so your puppy isn’t building up speed before he gets the toy to bring back to you. Using fetch as a means for exercise is not a good idea as it can be too taxing for a young puppies body and can quite commonly lead to injury. It can also lead to injury in adult dogs. Great ways to get around injury is making fetch a calmer behavior, so the puppy it moving at a trot toward the toy or that the toy has been thrown close enough that the puppy doesn’t build up speed. A game I like to play with my own puppies is to give them the toy or tug on the toy with them and then let go and run backward to work on the concept of fetch without there being any fast repetitive jolting movements involved. Take care also when playing tug that you are tugging very gently and limiting the amount of tugging especially if you have an enthusiastic tugger.
#puppytraining #dogtraining #fetch