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"Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength" by Laurie Helgoe PhD:
"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :
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#Narcissist #Disguise #Personality #EmpathsRefuge
13 Signs You're An INFJ, The Rarest Personality Type In The World
You're Definitely An INFJ If You Have These 8 Signs.
Perhaps we all have come into contact with loud narcissists. Once they are in the room, you know they are there. They try to manipulate the crowd, loudly and openly sharing stories or narrating their successful events to pass down a sense of prestige and importance so that people will admire them. The attitude of such individuals sends an express and clear signal that they are narcissists. But then, there might be other people with even stronger desires and the urge to be admired, but they can conceal it and make it difficult to spot and detect by their attitude at every point in time. People who are very close to you might be narcissists, but they show up in very less apparent manners.
Narcissists are often perceived to be people who are loud and preoccupied with their success with a biased sense of self-importance which heavily influences their interactions and decision making. For narcissists, it is very hard to maintain a friendship, and this is because of their manipulative and toxic intentions and lack of empathy. Something about narcissists is that they always feel entitled, and lack compassion, nevertheless craving admiration and attention.