Bastion Paint's Resin Art raw materials include Durable Glitter Powers, Holographic Glitter, Diamond Pigments based on glass, Interference Pearlescent Pigments, Colour Pearlescent Pigments, Colour Shift Pigments, Liquid Colourants, Stones, Crystals, Texturing Glass Microspheres, Resin Art Glass Chunks and Turbo Cell. This video gives a brief introduction to all these raw materials and the effects they can create.
Our wide range of products are delivered within a few days anywhere in South Africa and we export. You can order from our online shop: or by emailing us:
View more videos demonstrating and explaining our resin art products:
A Resin Art Material Overview Showing Our Extensive Range of Products:
Resin Art Products (4 resin art pieces are explained):
Pearlescent Pigments:
Interference Pearlescent Pigments:
Resin Art with Malachite Pigment (to music):
Allure Liquid Colourants:
How to create Sparkle in Resin:
Colour Shift Pearl Pigments in Resin Art:
Resin Art Beach to Ocean with Bastion Paint’s Peal Pigments:
bastion paint,special effect paints,resin art,pearlescent pigments,epoxy resin,resin colourants,metallic pigments,pearl pigments,interference pigments,colour transition paints,chameleon paints,tubo cell,resin art cells,resin art glass,