
Bulk For Mass - Yash Sharma Fitness | How To Gain Weight (Right Way!)

Bulk For Mass - Yash Sharma Fitness | How To Gain Weight (Right Way!) 👇Order Naso Filter

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" Bulk For Mass - Yash Sharma Fitness | How To Gain Weight (Right Way!) " is a Fitness video by coach Yash Sharma where he explains the proper do bulk. If you are passionate about fitness and want to know how to gain muscle or how to gain weight fast, this video will offer offer you the ultimate solution. If you want to gain weight, build muscles and get big. Keep the following things in mind:

1) Do not worry about body fat %

For gaining weight or muscle, you need to follow a caloric surplus muscle building diet. This results in weight gain simultaneously some amount of fat gain. If you stop your surplus diet in between for doing a mini cut in order to reduce your body fat, you will make negligible progress. For best results follow a caloric surplus diet for at least 6 months.

2) Control the speed of weight gain

Do not try to gain 5 - 10 Kgs of weight in 15 days. You will only put on fat mass this way. When coach Yash Sharma did his bulk he gained 20 Kg in 3 years i.e. 500g per month. The ideal speed of your weight gain should be 500-1000g per month.

3) Follow a flexible diet

Bulking and building muscle is all about lifting heavy, recovering from hard training & making progress. For this, I recommend IFFYM, also known as if it fits your macros diet. I've made a detailed video on it, do check it out to know more.

4) Macronutrients For Bulking

2.2 g protein per Kg bodyweight
3.5 g carbohydrates per Kg bodyweight
1 g fat per Kg bodyweight

5) Cheat Meals

I recommend one cheat meal every 10 days. Eating outside more than that results in unnecessary fat gain & makes it difficult to be disciplined while cutting & getting shredded.
Yash Sharma is a former state-level footballer. Now a Fitness- Coach, Author & YouTuber. He has 8 years of experience in strength training and transformed over 100 clients. He aims to educate people about fitness and help them achieve their best version. Yash Sharma Body transformation has inspired lakhs of people to work on themselves, work hard and achieve their goals. This channel aims to provide you with the best exercise science knowledge combined with actionable Yash Sharma Motivation.

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