What is his technique? Why are people taken in?
He weedles his way in to people's lives, showers them with compliments, makes them feel they are important and intelligent and doing the right things, tells them they are rational and critical thinkers, and he promises to promote them and he stands up for them across social media against anyone who disagrees with them. He delivers what they are looking for - their sad, insignificant, insecure lives of obscurity suddenly have someone batting for them and making them feel wanted.
Of course, that ugly person is in a contract situation. The price of this "friendship" is undying loyalty, to never critique the cult leader, to never openly disobey, and to follow his commands. To them, McRae is a great friend who would walk to the ends of the earth for them, and he is just an old guy that lives in a closet and has nothing. But to him, they are his army and as long as they are loyal he has power.
Unfortunately, as soon as the thin veil of deception and illogicality starts to rub thin, it becomes painfully obvious the sycophant is merely a useful ally - and as soon as their usefulness runs out or they disobey or critique or, God Forbid!, damage the leader's reputation in any way by showing him to have lied or uttered a logical fallacy - the ally becomes an enemy. The rest of the smob (like that term? Steve's Mob - his army, standard cult fare) then cancel and block the ex-ally and have full authority to dogpile and ruin their social media presence.
This is classic cultism - enforced through narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy. The dark triad. And gullible people get sucked in and find it extremely hard to leave.
Don't ever be an ally. Don't lose your rational thinking skills to this nastiness. The Syndicate cannot help you - they can only show you a path out. You have to do the rest.