
Difficulties And Failures Are Overcomed By HIS Promises Spoken IN HIS Words.

Difficulties And  Failures Are Overcomed  By HIS Promises Spoken  IN HIS Words. If you are experiencing trials of many kinds, rejoice , God will not give you trials and difficulties that you cannot bear. He has finished the race for you on the Cross of Calvary with HIS unconditional Love. Have a single moment everyday to communicate with Him. Listen to Him for a while. He loves you so much that's He gave His only SON for you to ransom you from your sins, burdens and struggles. He loves you so and He always forgives and accepts you no matter who you are. Accept JESUS CHRIST as your personal Saviour and Master.
James 1:2 -4 (Apostle Paul) , "Consider it pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."


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