
GOD is Totally Mental...!

GOD is Totally  Mental...! God is mental.

Not so long ago, I awoke 
only to find the rest of the world 
still asleep.

And now I mourn the sleep 
I can no longer keep. 

With every waking breath 
of every waking day that I'm awake 
I endeavour to leave a wake of truth.

Deoculting the occult 
Destroying my delusions 
Deprogramming from the programs

I've lost the plot
I'm out of character writing my own scripts 
and directing my own direction.

With every dialogue & diagram 
I question on my quest, I dive deeper away 
from the depths of deception...

This is the quest I on.

Its totally mental...


The physical is a phi cycle 
we call the circle of life.

The mind is truly mental.
It drives momentum, ment for all to move. 

And with every movement of the mind
we defy the physical pi of life
taking back our minds from those 
who try to govern them.

From government establish-ments 
that use political entertain-ment 
as reinforce-ment to force our minds 
into a false mentality

To religious rituals that pray on our minds 
to give up our divinity damning us 
to an eternity of spiritual uncertainty.

It's clearly psychological warfare 
pulling our minds from pull pit to pull pit.

Forget religions and mind rapists 
who call themselves the-rapists 
who mediate to medicate our minds.

The answers are not external but internal.
We need not medicate but instead Meditate 
to find a meditstate.

Heal thy self 
not with flesh of the meat

Fruit is what we must eat
For only it is what our flesh must meet.

Eat what grows and not what is born
Mother nature is my nurture 
All the mothers ARE my mother for 

My food from soil the seeds and sun 
not from sexual semen of sentient souls

It's all mental when you stop 
to think about it!


On the quest I on
I've disc-overed that our earth 
is in fact a disc

The biggest disc-ussion here on earth 
yet to be disc-losed.

Stop to think about the aeroplanes 
that fly above our earthly plane 
or the ships & boats that sail from east to west 
& west to east - its plane sailing every day.

No curve in sight no spin we sense 
it's common sense for those with eyes to see.

Not a spinning sphere 
but a level disc with level seas as in sea level - 
do you see the common sense

Unfortunately I've now disc-overed 
that sense is not so common when it comes to 
spherical pseudo science.

Government and pseudoscience programs 
through television tell us a vision to program 
the mind.

Pseudoscience on the television 
pseudoscience in the schools 
pseudoscience on the news 
pseudoscience gets all the views

As a king
I find myself asking...
Why educational programs tell us what to think?

When what we need is Education 
without a program to teach us HOW to think.

Science programs, religious programs
health programs, education programs
government programs - 
programs to govern our minds propagated 
by the govern-ment's. 

It's all mental 
when you stop 
to think about it!


But wait
we're not done…

If the earth is a disc & not a sphere
So where is the edge is what I hear you say

Those with knowledge will know there is no ledge, so why assume there is an edge?

Don't assume the programs you consume!

SOUTH is always out beyond the Antarctic 
circle wall of ice 
This is outer space beyond the human race.

Extra terrains of lands with extraterrestrial life 

NORTHis at the center where life 
must always enter. 

Always pointing north, follow your com-pass 
where all life must come to pass.

Beyond the northern windAurora borealis 
is where we end the race, opposite to outer space this is counter space.

It's all mental 
when you stop 
to think about it!


The sun and moon rotate above our heads

The sun for days and seasons of the year
The moon for weeks, months and  lunar cycles

From hours to days to weeks to months 
to seasons of the year - 
Day & night
Dark & light
Left to right - the perfect yin & yang.

The sun
The moon
The planets & the stars 
rotate and dictate the humankind state of mind

Astrology connects psychology to our human 
biology which in turn affects our Earth's ecology 

For those who know
as above so below

It's all mental 
when you stop 
to think about!


Lest we forget, the illusion of this matrix

The tricks of MA Earth, a game we play 
from birth.

We are of course, spiritual beings having a physical experience 

And with every experience of our physical 
existence the persistence of our illusions amplifies the resistance of our delusions

This physical world of light an illusory gift from the sun

The hidden world of perception our present from the moon

Our dreams and percept-ions project-ions in our minds mirrored as ions by the electric sun 
and magnetic moon - 

The holographic dance of life on Earth from birth to death and back to earth

From spirit to matter and back to spirit  nothing really matters

Let it be said, God is not a man above yo


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