Essentially, you want to stack as many items, shrines, and equipment bonuses that you can for gold, orns, exp, and item drops so that the bonus effect is at its highest.
Below here are the bonuses you will get from defeating mobs with the items I used (they do stack).
Lucky Coin - Gold x 2
Lucky Silver Coin - Orns x 2
Shrine of luck - Gold, Orns, Item Drops x 2
Exp Potion - Exp x 2
Shrine of Wisdom x 2
Ornate Great Monster Tome - Exp x 1.375
Ring of Restraint - Couldn't find the value. However, effective in increasing ORN drop rate, and stalling exp gain to prevent leveling up too quickly. I will cover this in another video why you may want to stall your level.
If you'd like to see the bonuses from other items that were not covered in the video, you can find it here on the Orna Guide Page.
Mob Drops at tier 7
Without bonuses
30k exp, 3k gold, 30 orns
With Bonsuses
70k exp, 12k gold, 120-150 orns