
Shocking pics show impact of class A drugs on British criminals now behind bars - Live News 24

Shocking pics show impact of class A drugs on British criminals now behind bars  - Live News 24 Thanks for watching my video.
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Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use ( SHOCKING photographs reveal the horrifying effects class A drug addiction has on caged criminals' faces.  From skeletal features and sunken eyes, to fractured lines etched on grey-tinged skin, this harrowing gallery of mugshots shows 13 heroin and crack users currently behind bars. David Ball  Lifer and crack cocaine addict David Ball, 50, shot dead a dad-of-one with a crossbow.  He'd been on a day-long drugs and alcohol bender before killing Lee Atkins, 38.  Prosecutors said it was a "revenge" attack, after the pair fought outside their friend Kevin Riley's house, reports the Mirror.  Ball, of Bootle, claimed his crossbow "just went off" and subsequently apologised to Lee.  During his trial, Ball told Richard Pratt, QC, prosecuting, to "shut up", and later called the lawyer a "f***ing weapon".  Asked "how did you show you were sorry?" he said: "What do you want me to do? Buy him a box of Milk Tray to say I'm sorry?"  Ball was unanimously found guilty of the murder on May 6 this year, after a 14-day trial. Leanda O'Hare  Leanda O'Hare, 42, is a heroin addict who was jailed for 12 months for threatening to stab a police officer with a kitchen knife.  The victim, who'd recently become a mum, feared she wouldn't see her husband or baby again when confronted by "wild" O'Hare "foaming at the mouth".  O'Hare was sprayed with CS gas and hit with a baton during the incident in Birkenhead on September 30.  But still she managed to escape by climbing over a wall.  Two officers had gone to arrest O'Hare at her home when she kicked off.  The victim described a struggle when O'Hare tried to slam a door on her arm, then to punch and bite her, when they fell to the floor.  O'Hare grabbed a six-inch kitchen knife and yelled "get back or I will stab you" before escaping, despite a further struggle.  She was jailed after admitting assault with intent to resist arrest and possessing a knife in public. Adele McCarten  The 31-year-old heroin addict was jailed for nine months for sneaking into the Liverpool home of a vulnerable woman with cancer and stealing from her bedroom.  McCarten was caught by a workman and arrested.  She was taken to Royal Liverpool Hospital after cops discovered her legs were covered with ulcers.  Christopher Hopkins, prosecuting, said McCarten tried to escape while at the hospital.  He said: "She went in the ladies toilet, climbed on top of the toilet removed roof tiles and went in the roofspace.  "She rummaged around and fell through the roof back down into the gents toilets, so it wasn't much of an escape frankly."  McCarten has 53 convictions for 98 offences. Dennis Byrom and Mark Wakefield  Dennis Byrom and Mark Wakefield were caught trying to raid a house while equipped with a burglar's toolkit.  Byro


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