
Communion (My Beloved, Taste and See)*DRAFT|DEMO*

Communion (My Beloved, Taste and See)*DRAFT|DEMO* go to for sheet music
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Bread of Heaven blessed and broken
Give me eyes to see Your face

Come dine with me
My Beloved Your face is lovely
Come sing with me
My Beloved a song so holy
Taste and see

Wine made holy
Make me lowly
Wash me in Your Precious Blood

You say die with Me
My beloved the cross before thee
Come rise with Me
My beloved the tomb is empty
Taste and see

The bride and Bridegroom
Unite in this room
Calling to all the thirsty, “Come!”

Come drink of Me
My beloved you’ll never be thirsty
Come eat of Me
My beloved you’ll never be hungry
Taste and see

Humble hearts, wash feet
Pardoned hearts, wash feet
Loving hearts, wash feet
Risen hearts, wash feet

communion,eucharist,holy thursday,maundy thursday,

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