Our Website/Merchandise Shop:
Fake gymnastics products:
TheCheernastics2 is a channel all about fitness, beauty, and lifestyle! We also upload on TC2SDAY (Tuesday)!
Our Channel:
Social Media
Megan and Ciera's Channel:
Maggie's Channel:
TheCheernastics2 Instagram: thecheernastics2
TheCheernastics2 Twitter: thecheernastics
Megan's Instagram: megan_marie32
Megan’s Snapchat: megann_marie32
Megan’s Twitter: meganstitz
Ciera's Instagram: ciera_jo
Ciera’s Snapchat: cjstitz
Ciera’s Twitter: cierastitz
Maggie's Instagram: maggieatcheson
Maggie’s Snapchat: maggieatcheson
Maggie’s Twitter: atchesonmaggie
How old are you? Megan and Ciera are 20 and Maggie is 19
Camera: Canon Rebel T5i+ Røde Videomic Pro
Video Editor: Final Cut Pro X