And here is a transcript, taken from closed captions:
so I am lajas to be and I am the CEO of the European climate foundation and now
I'm sharing this Governance Committee of the cities as a French cities and
assemblies that would work on the energy transition we have this assembly of
citizen is an assembly of 150 citizen chosen randomly to represent the French
society in his diversity of the age gender and income levels and education just
to design the policy adequate for having a strong climate policy in France this
was a demand of many citizen movement that we are marching in the street in
France to get more social more just socially policies and more environmentally
friendly and so finally the governor and decide to offer that space to the
citizen and we organizing
this from this movement we we decided yes we could go with a condition and the
condition is a following is that all the proposals that will be drafted and
presented by the citizen will be presented without picking shoes by the NGO by
the president to the Parliament or to the public if there is a referendum like
in Ireland for the citizen proposal to be really taken seriously it is not a
consultation it's a deliberation of the citizen so that in particular is a
importance of these citizen assembly the movement like extinction rebellion that
has taken the stream needs to have a political landing an outcome and this
outcome can be crafted by the citizen with the citizen I don't think it's a it
has to be empowering people to propose a solution of the transformation we need
we cannot impose that from the top down we cannot have the expert and government
deciding for the citizen because it's too big a change so that very good that
extinction rebellion asked for cities assembly and I hope that for Glasgow we
have many many more countries doing it and come in with the proposal of the
citizen as a global company
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