
I encourage folks who came to their last class to comment so folks have a better idea of the opportu

I encourage folks who came to their last class to comment so folks have a better idea of the opportu The Goshen Twp Historical Society is kicking off a new year of blacksmithing. The first class is March 14th and 15th with Ed Brazeal Brian Brazeal Blacksmith returning to lead a class titled “forge welding with Iron mountain flux and the drop tong weld”. Of all the classes we offer I am most excited about forge welding. That is because while being a fundamental skill many blacksmiths never master it. Many skills you can figure out on your our own using books or YouTube, this is not one of them. Having a teacher to explain why it did not work makes all the difference. At this time we are limiting class to 10 smiths. Tuition is $385 which includes all materials and lunch both days. Brian and Ed are in my opinion Master Blacksmiths and run an outstanding class. I encourage folks who came to their last class to comment so folks have a better idea of the opportunity in front of them.


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