
Joe's Crab Shack Dishes That Just Aren't Worth The Money

Joe's Crab Shack Dishes That Just Aren't Worth The Money Joe's Crab Shack has some decent menu items, but then there are others that present some significant risks. After you're done watching this video, we can pretty much guarantee you won't be ordering the following items anytime soon.

Dining out is essentially an exercise in trust. The restaurant staff who provide your meal trust that you will pay in full at the end of your dining experience. In turn, you trust that the people in the kitchen won't inadvertently poison you.

This is especially true at Joe's Crab Shack and every other seafood joint when it comes to shellfish, and mussels in particular. Mussels need to be kept alive until they're ready to eat, and for that reason they need special attention from people who know what they're doing. But don't just take our word for it. One need look no further than the words of the late, great Anthony Bourdain n his book Kitchen Confidential. As he put it,

"I don't eat mussels in restaurants unless I know the chef, or have seen, with my own eyes, how they store and hold their mussels for service. I love mussels. But, in my experience, most cooks are less than scrupulous in their handling of them."

So that settles that. Unless you personally know and trust your local Joe's Crab Shack chef, stay away from the mussels.

Since not everyone digs seafood, Joe's has some menu items made up of creatures of the land. But there's one problem: this is a seafood restaurant. Nevertheless, the Voodoo Chicken Bites at least deserve credit for having one of the catchiest food names since Denny's gave us Moons Over My Hammy. And even though they're a poultry dish at a seafood place, this is some mighty fine tasting chicken. It's lightly fried to a golden brown and bursting with Cajun spices, hence the "voodoo."

Unfortunately, Voodoo Chicken Bites are terrible for you. A single serving contains a massive 2,080 calories, and 148 grams of that is fat. That's two and a half times the recommended amount of fat you should have in a single day, all in just one appetizer. It kind of makes the pile of french fries and side of ranch it comes with seem a little unnecessary. Obviously, you have two choices here: eat it and then regret the whole thing and starve yourself for the next 60 hours, or just don't order it in the first place.

Keep watching the video to find out more about Joe’s Crab Shack dishes that just aren’t worth the money.

#JoesCrabShack #Seafood

Mussels | 0:14
Voodoo Chicken Bites | 1:19
Pasta | 2:18
Steampots | 3:06
Salad | 4:15

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