
Military Dolphin Research. Surgery on Porpoises. Weird 1960s medical documentary

Military Dolphin Research. Surgery on Porpoises. Weird 1960s medical documentary Produced by the US Naval Undersea Warfare Center. This program will teach you anesthesia techniques and procedures suitable for major surgery on porpoises, including step-by-step demonstration of these techniques and an ovariohysterectomy performed on a porpoise. The postoperative recovery care and handling procedures are also demonstrated. The behavioral and anatomical adaptations of the porpoise's mammalian respiratory system to life in the ocean, as they relate to problems of respirator design, are depicted first.The porpoise is then placed in a foam rubber-lined stretcher with a hole in the center designed to accommodate the dorsal fin. Standard automobile seat belts are used for restraints and sandbags are placed around the animal to prop it up. Since the animal must be kept wet at all times, the operating table is designed to permit water drainage. When normal breathing is restored after termination of the surgical procedure, the porpoise is put back into the water where the buoyancy of its body will minimize resistance to breathing.


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