This is the third of three lessons covering the detailed explanation of the names 'Allāh' and 'al-Ilāh'.
This is a completely new and improved translation of the book فقه الأسماء الحسنى (The Fiqh of Allāh's Perfect Names), by Shakyh 'Abdurrazzaq al-Badr (may Allāh protect him). This is much improved over the 'live' version that was released by Kalemah. It is audio only (for the first few chapters), but video is available later on, in shā' Allāh.
The lessons are broken up into a summary (from the Shaykh's own summarised version of the book), followed by the full explanation. I comment from time to time, when I think something needs further clarification, but generally try to stick to the text of the book as much as possible. There is one summary for each name, and the full explanation is normally broken up into three lessons. They're all on a playlist, so that you can follow easily, in shā' Allāh, and the links for the PDF version of each summary and full chapter can be found at the top of the description.
May Allāh reward the Shaykh with the best of this world and the next for writing this beautiful book, and may Allāh give us the success to bring it accurately into the English language, and finally, may Allāh bless us all to put what we learn into action!