Pay attention and observe everything in this video. Not just the dirt road, but all of the surroundings. It's happening a a very slow pace but fast at the same time. It's at a constant. I surrounds everything at a constant. I see the patterns, the cracks in the roads and parking lots. Deep impressions showing up everywhere. I see it happening. I feel that this Paranormal Activity Is coming down with the clouds. The closer the clouds get to the ground, they start fading apart turning into fog or haze which falls on everything in its path including the ground. When it reaches and moves across everything I it's path....... it leaves deeps impressions, patterns, cracks and sink holes . I see this happening while it's happening. Especially on the roads when I drive. Our roads are like I've never seen before. Black lines, heart beat patterns that are really thick and wide. I know it not the county or state doing this. I've seen this and still do see it happen it appears at any time out of nowhere. They look so deep and dark black and you don't see them until it's too late. Yes it scares me because I can never tell if they are deep or just pattern on the road that looks like a sink whole but when you drive over it cause you didn't see it until it was to late but it was smooth as can be just a big dark black red, circle on the road that wasn't sinking at all. But what actually caught my attention is the dark black red liquid that I seen appearing coming down the trees oozing slowly over everything. You can see it creeping slowly onto everything. Also in this video there is a part where red (like blood start to appear from no where. I've been noticing the grass grow as it's growing in the middle of many dirt roads. Absolutely strange