
Practice this to Realize Cosmic Consciousness (The 3 Qualities of Oneness)

Practice this to Realize Cosmic Consciousness (The 3 Qualities of Oneness) Visit For more info on the Shakti Music in this video. To realize Cosmic Consciousness, practice this mantra meditation while contemplating the 3 qualities of oneness.

The 3 qualities of the Absolute, what one experiences in spiritual enlightenment is Sat Chit Ananda (Truth, Consciousness, Bliss)

Sat is true existence, that is transcendent of life and death, construction and destruction. It is the truth that never moves, never changes. It is the nature of everything.

In feeling into this truth, you also experience it as Chit, infinite consciousness. Not a me that is consciousness, but beyond the me, there is infinite consciousness.

And the feeling of this is Ananda which is Infinite Bliss, Infinite Joy. Not Joy as an emotion but transcendent of the self, there is only bliss. Infinite consciousness is bliss.

So by chanting Om Sat Chit Ananda out loud to the Shakti music in the background and contemplating the meaning of this mantra meditation, you begin to feel into the nature of oneness, the nature of the absolute.

You may not feel it instantly, but if you stick with it, you will begin to feel the nature of cosmic consciousness and you will experience a bliss that is expressible in words.

This is not an intellectual teaching on Spiritual Enlightenment, but to contemplate and feel into the meaning of being consciousness bliss until your perception opens to it.

By doing it along with the Shakti music, you receive the transmission of bliss that is Oneness. It makes it much easier the feel the nature of the absolute.

By listening to this music during your meditation or even throughout your day you begin to connect into the bliss of enlightenment. It makes practicing any meditation technique much easier.

You can hear samples of this meditation music and learn more about it by clicking on the links to the Shakti Albums below:

Radiance Shakti CDs:

Pure Shakti Meditation CDs:

Shakti Silence:

Infinite Sky Shakti Meditation Music:

The Calling Shakti CDs:

Ambient Meditation Music for Inner Peace

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Thanks for watching!

Much love,

Kip Mazuy
Bliss Music


oneness,cosmic consciousness,mantra meditation,the absolute,satchitananda,sat chit ananda,spiritual enlightenment,meditation,meditation technique,ananda,bliss,truth consciousness bliss,being consciousness bliss,deepak chopra,kip mazuy,bliss music,

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