Sunga pitha which means bamboo cake is a special and chief delicacy is prepared by each Assamese family in Magh Bihu. This is prepared on the Uruka. The night before Magh bihu is called 'Uruka'. The long bamboo is cut into short pieces or short bamboo tubes. For sunga pitha , bora rice is used and this bora rice is to be kept under pure water for some hours(8) .Then the short bamboo tubes are filled with bora rice and water and finally, the tubes are to be burnt.The banana leaves and kher(hay) are used to burn the sunga pithas. The burning process covers a period of nearly two and half hours.Thus, sunga pitha is prepared in rural Assam. Darrang, one of the districts of Assam is famous for these special sunga pithas in Magh Bihu and people from other districts like to take the taste of it.