
The Belief System of a Millionaire (the good, the bad and the ugly)

The Belief System of a Millionaire (the good, the bad and the ugly) This video I'll REVEAL all aspects of The Belief System of a Millionaire ...the good, the bad and the ugly. If you'd like to finally manifest Money, Love & Success click here:

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In this video, I'm going to show you the belief system of a millionaire, not just the good things though. I'm going to show you the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of the belief system of a millionaire. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you the belief system of a millionaire, and I'm going to show you the good parts, the bad parts, the ugly parts, so that you know and you can become aware of these things. Now, first off, let me say that the intention to be a millionaire normally is kind of going about it the backwards way.

The key and the focus should really be on you doing what you absolutely love. You living your purpose, knowing that the more you live your purpose and you also add value to other people, the more that value then comes back.

That's the reality we live in. We live in a reality where what you put out is what you get back. And when you put out value, people will then give you energy back because of that value and the energy exchange that we use in this reality right now at least is that of the money system. So because of that, the question of being focused on the money is like being focused on the side effect, the side effect of you living your passion.

So I guess it's kind of like someone's wanting to get off my chest first and in my own journey of success and accomplishing everything I have with, you know, on my YouTube channel and everything I have in my life. Um, I'm going to share with you the things that I've learned about the process of having the belief system of a being a millionaire, of accomplishing that.

I've also known that this is really about understanding ...more so in questioning the beliefs you already have. Because prior to me doing what I do now, I had the belief system of being a nine to five person. I believe that I needed to have a nine to five job and because that was my belief, my actions. Remember this is your vibration a combination, would you think what you feel and how you act these 3 things is what causes you to have a certain reflection in your life.

Your reality will be equal to that. Well, I used to believe, think, feel and act as a nine to five type person. I had to go to a job. That was the story I told myself. Now breaking out of that is what changed a lot. So first let's go ahead and get to this video.

I'm going to share with you some of the beliefs of a millionaire and show you the good and the bad side of that. So first off, and some of the stories that I have about that as well. So the first one I wrote down has to do with uh, being responsible for where you are in life. Now, many people that are millionaires at a certain point normally had sometimes even a rock bottom, a rock bottom where they hit some type of bottom and they said, okay, I need to change something.

Not only do I need to change something, I can change something. And that many times can be the trigger point. Now for myself, I used, this is how I used to want to do it and that I don't, I'm not laughing at anybody that does this because this was me in the past.

But the way that I went about manifestation maybe, you know, 5 years ago is I literally would just think about it. I was working my nine to five job and I would just think about it on the couch of like Tony Robbins or, or I met Jack Canfield one time. I was thinking, Oh, if they just meet me, and they would somehow psychically see that I have this potential, and then they would, they would be like, Aaron, you going to make it!

I'm going to put you on my stage and I'm going to let you, uh, and help you become this person you were meant to be. And that was the story in my head and I was thinking about it a lot.

Then eventually one day I had this realization, I need to actually be the kind of person, the version of me that would then that would then be having the reality reflection that I want. So I said, okay, you may know the story I saw myself. And I was like, okay, if I make a video every single day for...

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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