
Trump aide urges Boris to abandon Iran nuclear deal to help post-Brexit trade talks - News 247

Trump aide urges Boris to abandon Iran nuclear deal to help post-Brexit trade talks  - News 247 Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  Richard Goldberg, who served on the US’s National Security Council, has called on the Prime Minister to join Washington with its “maximum pressure campaign” against Tehran. The 2015 Iran nuclear deal, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), aimed to curb Iran’s nuclear programmes in return for the lifting of international sanctions. The deal struck by former US president Barack Obama was abandoned by Mr Trump in 2018 after accusing Tehran of violating the terms of the agreement. Since the breakdown of the deal, Washington has reimposed sanctions to throttle Iran’s oil exports, and Tehran has abandoned all limitations on enriching uranium - the chemical used to create a nuclear weapon. Mr Goldberg, who played an integral role in the Trump administrations tough stance on Iran, insisted it is in the UK’s interest to allign with Washington’s foreign policy. He told the BBC: “The question for Prime Minister Johnson is, ‘As you are moving towards Brexit , as your supporters of Brexit really do not like the nuclear deal, want you to get out of the nuclear deal. What are you going to do post-January 31 as you come to Washington to negotiate a free trade agreement with the United States?’” He added: “It’s absolutely in his interests and the people of Great Britain’s interests to join with President Trump, with the United States, to realign your foreign policy away from Brussels, and to join the maximum pressure campaign to keep all of us safe.” Yesterday, in the shift in policy, the Prime Minister insisted the UK would be willing to walkway from the “flawed” nuclear deal and replace it with a “Trump deal”. The Prime Minister also put his full confidence in the US President and described Mr Trump as a “great dealmaker”. Mr Johnson said: “From the American perspective, it’s a flawed deal, plus it was negotiated by President Obama. “Let’s replace it with the Trump deal. That’s what we need to see. “President Trump is a great dealmaker by his own account, and by many others. “Let’s work together to replace the JCPOA and get the Trump deal instead.”  Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told the Commons the UK would remain “committed” to the Iran deal but would be seeking a “broader rapprochement” between Tehran and Washington. Mr Raab said: “The UK, France and Germany will remain committed to the deal and will approach the DRM [dispute resolution mechanism] in good faith, striving to resolve the dispute and bring Iran back into full compliance with its JCPOA obligations.” He added: “It’s possible to bring in the United Sates and Tehran into a broader rapprochement. That’s the policy that we’re pursuing.”   Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has since fired a warn

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