This fight preview consists of Heroic and Mythic footage from Ny'alotha, The Waking City raid instance from the PTR. Expect a full guide for this encounter when the instance hits live servers in a few weeeks.
8.3,Ny'alotha,Wrathion,the Black Emperor,Maut,The Prophet Skitra,Dark Inquisitor Xanesh,Azshara,The Hivemind,Shad'har the Insatiable,Drest'agath,Vexiona,Ra-den the Despoiled,Il'gynoth,Corruption Reborn,Carapace of N'Zoth,N'Zoth,the Corruptor,Grand Empress Shek'zara,BFA,for,Dazar'alor,High Tinker Mekkatorque,battle for azeroth,mythic,raiding,guide,strategy,tutorial,normal,heroic,public test realm,preview,boss,World of warcraft (video game),Wow,shadowlands,