This is an unofficial update video that aims to be the most comprehensive guide possible. Official release announcement:
Full changelog:
How villages are generated:
In-depth details for the new trades:
All the changed textures:
What's New in Minecraft 1.13?
The Minecraft JIRA (bug tracker):
Changes in this version:
- Snowy villages
- New village layouts
- New villager styles per biomes, including for swamps and jungles
- Trading revamp - Villagers now have a level and experience, new UI
- Ravager mob
- Pillager - a pillaging illager type
- Pillager outposts
- Patrols
- Captains with Ominous Banners
- Bad omen effect
- Raids
- Hero of the Village effect
Village Blocks:
- Loom for crafting banners
- Grindstone for combining items
- Stone cutter for quickly crafting stone materials
- Barrels - Work as chests
- Blast furnaces - 2x faster smelting, only for ores
- Smokers - 2x faster cooking, only for food
- Cartography table - Clones, extends & locks map
- Lectern - Holds a book
- Composter - Converts organic matter to bonemeal
- Smithing table - No functionality
- Fletching table - No functionality
- Bells - Resonates to highlight raider mobs
- Camp fire
- Lantern
Blocks & Items:
- Bamboo
- Scaffolding
- Smooth stone
- Smooth (red) sandstone, quartz - including slabs, stairs
- Slabs and stairs of: Stone, Granite, Smooth granite, Andesite, Smooth andesite, Diorite, Smooth diorite, mossy stone bricks, Mossy cobblestone, Red nether bricks
- Slabs of cut sandstone, cut red sandstone
- Walls of: Granite, Diorite, Andesie, Sandstone, Red sandstone, Bricks, Stone bricks, Mossy stone bricks, Nether bricks, Red nether bricks, End stone bricks, Prismarine
- Sign types for each type of wood
- Text on sign can be dyed
- Berry bushes
- Sweet berries
- New flowers: Cornflower, Lily of the valley, Wither rose
- Suspicious stew: Mushroom stew with an added flower restores three bars of hunger and gives a potion effect (not shown on the item)
- Crossbow weapon
- Crossbow enchants: Multishot, Piercing I-IV, Quickcharge I-III
- Leather horse armor
- Sneaking now lowers the head position to under 1.5 blocks
- TNT and TNT minecart explosions now cause 100% of blocks to drop
- Falling sand no longer floats over fences and walls
- Dispensers with shears can now shear sheep
- Protecion enchants can now be stacked
- Wandering trader
- Trader llamas
- Pandas
- Cats
- Ocelots are no longer tameable
- Foxes
- Brown mooshrooms
- Bamboo jungle, bamboo jungle hills biomes
- The Texture update!
- Sounds for added mobs and blocks
- 6 new noteblock instruments
- Ol' Betsy - Shoot a crossbow
- Arbalistic - Kill five unique mobs with one crossbow shot
- Two birds, one arrow - Kill two phantoms with a piercing arrow
- Who's the Pillager Now? - Give a Pillager a taste of their own medicine
- A Complete Catalogue - Tame all types of cats
- Updated advancements for new blocks & mobs
User Commands:
- /teammsg or /tm to send a message to everyone on your team
User interface:
- Editing, selecting and copy-paste now works in books and on signs
- Report bug and give feedback buttons added to the in-game menu
- Mouse settings screen in options with sensitivity settings
- There's now an accessibility menu, with a button in the main menu
- Narration now works in menus
Music: "Favorite", "Things", "Impact", "Facing Storm", "Nomadic Sunset", "Spring in Russia", "Chronos", "Reaching The Sky", "Mysterious Times", "Light Mood", "Journey of Hope", "Eternity", "Skaga", "Ambient Motivational" and "Wanderer" by Alexander Nakarada ( licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 (
Outro music: "The Fire" by Amarante ( licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 (
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